Photographed: Patrick and Gillian O’Connor
Patrick O’Connor was honoured by his colleagues at the Mayo Solicitors bar Association Annual Dinner Dance which was held at Lisloughrey Lodge on Friday 29th November 2024 when he was presented with the Judge Dan Shields Memorial Award.
The Judge Dan Shields award is presented to a Mayo solicitor who is considered by their colleagues to have made an outstanding contribution to his or her profession.
The award was presented by Mr. Gary Mulchrone, President of the Mayo Solicitors Bar Association, who described Patrick as being an outstanding solicitor. He outlined some of the many achievements of his distinguished career as a solicitor to include, inter alia:-
(a) His Presidency of the Law Society of Ireland;
(b) His Presidency of the Mayo Solicitors Bar Association;
(c) His 46 years of Coronial Service in the District of Mayo;
(d) His work as a notary public;
(e) His work with the Mental Health Commission, Charity Appeals Tribunal, Sports Ireland and many other boards and tribunals;
(f) His many publications and his involvement with various charities, sporting and other philanthropic organisations.
It was fitting that the presentation coincided with a celebration of Patrick’s 50th year on the Roll of Solicitors in Ireland.

Patrick O’Connor is pictured above with a number of solicitors from the firm of P. O’Connor & Son.
Left to right: Katie Cadden, Siobhán Durkan, Patrick O’Connor, William O’Connor, Samantha Geraghty, Aileen McGing.